Teagan LeVar

Teagan LeVar Summer URG Please provide a brief summary of your research.This summer, I researched how light availability and species’ order of arrival into a plant community impacts the competition between plant species commonly found in seed mixes used in oak...

Olivia Pierce

Olivia Pierce Summer URG Please provide a brief summary of your research.The goal of my research project was to develop an educational resource document that would equip musicians to perform Black & African works in a culturally appreciative rather than...

Aspen Harter

Aspen Harter Summer URG Please provide a brief summary of your research.Through SURG I was able to continue conducting a project on acute stress and aggression through adolescence and adulthood. Previous work has shown that stress increases aggressive behaviors in...

Kaitlyn Hung

Kaitlyn Hung Which grant that you received do you want to talk about?Summer URG Please provide a brief summary of your research.My project investigated why certain tissues are more susceptible to protein-misfolding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s Disease. I...

Jeffrey Yuan

Jeffrey Yuan Conference Travel Grant Please provide the tile and a brief summary of your research/conference presentation.Learngle: Addition of an Analytics Dashboard to a Study Resource for the Clinical Informatics Board Exam Learngle is an educational resource for...