Natalie Masnica

Natalia Masnica

Conference Travel Grant

Please provide the tile and a brief summary of your research/conference presentation.
I work at the Matei Lab and my research presentation was on “Characterizing Novel PROTACs Against TG2 in Ovarian Cancer”. Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is an upregulated protein in ovarian cancer and is linked to epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) metastasis. The goal of our study was to characterize novel PROTACs (Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras) that most effectively decrease TG2 protein levels, causing EOC cells to lose their migrating, invading, and proliferation capabilities. Essentially, we are trying to understand the mechanism of chemoresistance and identify new ways to prevent metastasis and resistance.

What made you initially interested in researching your project in particular?
My interest in researching this project is personal as my grandma passed away from ovarian cancer very quickly as she became chemoresistant to her treatment. Additionally, I want to pursue medicine in the Obstetrics and Gynecology sector. I think that this research project will have greater implications for the future and being a part of such impactful research is something I am proud to be apart of.

What conference(s) did you present at and how did you find out about them?
I presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in Long Beach, California. I found out about this conference by just searching for conferences online. This was one of the first ones that popped up for me. I decided to apply as I wanted to network with individuals from all over the country and experience what it is like to present my research.

What was it like presenting at a conference? Anything that you didn’t expect?
I loved talking about my research at the conference. Since this is a complex topic, many people had questions. Answering the questions made me realize how much I know and also what I should consider and think about moving forward. I want to present again at another conference and continue to grow my presentation skills for the future.

Any tips or advice you have for students similar to you that are interested in presenting at a conference one day?
I say just go for it! Even though it can be stressful, if you love the research that you do it will be fun presenting it. I realized that after I presented to a few people, I was much more confident and relaxed. This is a great opportunity to network and to work on your presentation skills which will be beneficial for the future.

What would you name a boat if you had one?
St. Barbara

What is something that you could give a 10 min presentation on right off the cuff?
Gastro Health