Ava Levinson

Ava Levinson

Summer URG

Please provide a brief summary of your research.
I filmed, edited and produced 6 different minute-long videos exploring how social media impacts young, emerging music artists in NYC. I interviewed artists ages 18 to 26 years old and talked with them about their experiences releasing music in the age of apps like TikTok and Instagram.

What made you initially interested in researching your project in particular?
I find it so inspiring to hear musicians talk about their work — their passion just always lights up the room for me and I love being around it. I knew I wanted to base my project around having musicians as subjects, and I also wanted to explore documentary style video.

What made you interested in pursuing (interdisciplinary) research more broadly?
I had just recently become interested in video journalism, and I wanted a summer internship that would allow me to explore that in my own way and create something completely mine. Through pursuing research I got to build a project that I had so much fun with and that helped me grow as a person.

Describe your experiences with research thus far. Was it tricky? What skills do you think you’ve gained?
For me, the most difficult part of doing research was making a schedule and sticking to it. I learned how to set weekly goals for myself, better manage my time, and pivot when my project wasn’t going how I wanted it to. I also feel I gained independence and confidence through reaching out to artists online and meeting up with them to conduct interviews.

Any tips or advice you have for students similar to you that are interested in pursuing undergraduate research?
If you’re at all considering it, I say do it. The word “research” was daunting to me, but the grant allows you to conduct a project completely of your own making— you are in control of exactly what, where and how you want to do it. Before this summer I never saw myself as someone who could move to a different city and conduct an independent project like this, but I learned so much about myself and what I want to do with my life. And it was fun!

Do you have a podcast/documentary/piece of shareable media related to your research? Post the link(s) to share here!
My videos can be found on Instagram @avalevinsonmedia!

What was your favorite childhood story (written, spoken, or film)?
Judy Moody by Megan McDonald