Michael Bayer

Michael Bayer

Summer URG

Please provide a brief summary of your research.
I developed a method for molding Handed Shearing Auxetics (HSAs), a type of motorized soft robotic actuator, at different scales. These actuators allow for soft robots to take advantage of the energy efficiency of servos to create motion, and allows for easy integration with advanced control, vision methods, etc. These parts can be created from a wider range of materials using molding allowing one to tune their material properties to create better HSAs than previously used methods.

What made you initially interested in researching your project in particular?
I have always loved working with robots, and soft robots are something I’ve always wanted to learn about. I found out about the Robotic Matter Lab and reached out, learned about the work they were doing, and jumped at the opportunity to work with HSAs over the summer.

What made you interested in pursuing (interdisciplinary) research more broadly?
I was interested in pursuing research because it would allow me to get more hands on experience in a topic I was interested in. I feel like the best way to learn is by doing, and in research you can really apply yourself to a task in a way you can’t in a classroom/

Describe your experiences with research thus far. Was it tricky? What skills do you think you’ve gained?
At times it was tricky, my researched involved a lot of setting things up and needing to wait to see results, and at times it was difficult to wait days only for something not to work. I feel like I gained a lot of skills both technical and academic. I learned skills with prototyping, CAD, tolerancing, data taking, problem solving, 3D printing, and more.

Any tips or advice you have for students similar to you that are interested in pursuing undergraduate research?
Reach out to professors and grad students working on interesting projects, and don’t be disheartened if they don’t get back to you. It also helps a lot to be familiar with their work, read some of their related work. Be interested in their lab, not just a lab.

What would you name a boat if you had one?
Bad Buoy

What is something that you could give a 10 min presentation on right off the cuff?
Why an air fryer is the ultimate kitchen appliance.

What was your favorite childhood story (written, spoken, or film)?