Aimee Resnick
Please provide a brief summary of your research.
We will conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with a subset high school students at “Franklin High” (a pseudonym) who have missed more than 20% of school days about their personal experiences, challenges, and perceptions related to absenteeism. A distinguishing feature of the proposed project is its focus on discerning, through the lens of students, the aspects of the school setting that might promote absenteeism. The interviews allowed us to investigate the intersections of racial identity, gender, sexuality, and their potential influences on truancy. By collecting qualitative data and collaborating with the school district on potential solutions, this project aimed to shed light on the school-level factors and experiences that make skipping school seem preferable to attend for some students.
What made you initially interested in researching your project in particular?
I had a really hard time in high school due to bullying. I was prone to hiding in the bathrooms during lunch. I feel very empathetic for the students we interviewed and hope to help make high school a better place for others.
What made you interested in pursuing (interdisciplinary) research more broadly?
I find people very interesting, To be honest, I think it is just my tendency to by nosy.
Describe your experiences with research thus far. Was it tricky? What skills do you think you’ve gained?
I learned how to build probing questions, foster empathetic relationships with participants, and draw meaningful themes from interview data. The hardest thing for me was learning DeDoose. I also got yelled at several times in the high school for loitering in the halls (they thought I was a student). haha!
Any tips or advice you have for students similar to you that are interested in pursuing undergraduate research?
find a strong faculty mentor. Professor Ispa-Landa and I are a good team. This helps move the research forward in ways that are exciting for both of us.
If your (speaking) voice were an instrument, what do you think it would be?
a squeaky toy