Lynn Ahn

Lynn Ahn

Please briefly summarize your research.
As an Emerging Scholar, I conducted literature reviews, critically analyzed testimonios, and edited Dr. Alyssa Garcia’s manuscript, Moral Discourses, Regulated Bodies: Sex, the State, and Subjectivity in Cuba.

What made you interested in pursuing (interdisciplinary) research more broadly?
I was interested in getting hands-on experience with research and academia.

How has it been working with faculty to transition from an assistant position to a more independent role?
Working with a faculty mentor helped with independent research because I was able to get experience before starting my own project. It made starting an independent project less intimidating.

What’s been your favorite part about being in a cohort with other scholars?
My favorite part has been the community, especially with people who share similar experiences to me.

Do you have any tips or advice for first years similar to you who are interested (but maybe hesitant) to apply for a 15 month long program?
You should go for it! It is intimidating but it is a great experience. It isn’t easy, but you will learn a lot.

If you had unlimited time, money, resources, support, etc. what is something you would research?
Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act, Employment protections for survivors of sexual and domestic violence

Favorite bathroom on campus?
Lincoln has the best bathrooms

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned/read about/listened to this week?
I finished On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous yesterday!

What is your most useless talent?
I’m really good at putting on fake eyelashes