Elizabeth Hyun
Can you briefly summarize your project and share what made you initially interested in that topic?
My project focused on psychological trauma across 5 different countries: Argentina, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Japan, and South Korea. I became interested in this topic while taking a class on trauma in the Global Health Department in the fall of my Junior year. In the class, I realized that I had a lot of questions about trauma and mental health. For example, I was curious about how perceptions of trauma and spaces for trauma care differed across distinct cultural contexts. My research this summer helped me to answer some of these questions and allowed me to learn from incredible experts in the field.
What was the most unexpected or challenging part of your trip?
The most challenging part of my trip was conducting interviews with multiple language barriers. Even though most of my interviewees were fluent in English, it was still difficult to translate some words regarding trauma and psychology. Also, there are always words that don’t completely translate into another language. So, when my interviewees would talk about their life experiences, sometimes it was challenging to authentically understand their experiences and emotions.
In what ways do you think circumnavigating the globe helped you grow?
I think this is a tough question and one that I am still in the process of realizing. I believe that this trip helped me to grow in many different ways. I learned how to enjoy my own company, how to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, and how to connect with people from different backgrounds and across different ages. I learned the importance of flexibility and open-mindedness in traveling. Finally, I learned that there are many different versions of living a successful, happy, and meaningful life, that there isn’t just one designated way for doing things.
What did you miss most from home while you were abroad?
My friends and family. And AC.
Do you have any advice for students interested in the Circumnavigator Grant?
My advice for anyone interested in this grant would be to apply. I think that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the rewards from this experience outweigh the challenges during the application process. Also, there are so many people at Northwestern who are here to support you!