by Vivica Lewis | May 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello! This is my first post to test out the blog before I start traveling this summer.
by Mackenzie Gentz | May 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello all, I need to test-run a blog post, so I thought I would quickly review my travel preparations. The trip is well on the way to enough organization to travel under. I need to secure a few more accommodations, but other than that, the little details are what I am...
by Mackenzie Gentz | May 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello all, and welcome to Linguistic Sketchbook! The name of this blog derives from the title of my podcast and personal blog, The Book Album (host of the Panopti-Blog). I hope to create a discourse between the two online spaces as I travel and update both blogs. I...
by Mackenzie Gentz | May 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello all, I hope this blog message finds you well. We are test-running the blog as one of our last checks before I graduate and travel! Cheers, Mackenzie
by Chris LaMountain | Sep 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Talofa lava, Another day, another dolor my friends. The Gods of Circumnavigation have manifested me in yet another climate and culture, this time by the sea! Without a wink of sleep and not having changed my clothes for about 72 hours, my arrival at the Taleofo...
by Chris LaMountain | Aug 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dayaalu duniya, To cleanse my plagued body, I planned a quick retreat to the mountains of India. As I tapped away on my computer, to research bus roots and accommodation, a girl from my hostel sat down next to me and began speaking with me. Somewhat annoyed that she...