Keeping in Touch with the US While Abroad

If you’ve never seen ‘I Am Not Your Negro’, the documentary on James Baldwin, go watch it. I’m mentally replaying a couple of scenes from the documentary about when Baldwin was abroad, when he heard about the atrocities going on back home. This...

Okay, the real end of the day

*TMI warning: Personal information about my digestive worries below* There’s still so much that I don’t know. I feel like the biggest takeaway today was that I know more French than I thought I did, which is a nice realization. But understanding is like a...

Hello Rabat: The End of a Long First Day

After Chellah and coming back to the apartment, I accidentally slept for three hours. I guess all the traveling did me in. But around 6pm, we went to the Addictest center, this sister org to Lankey, my language program. There I met some high school students who are...

A Bad Day for Sandals, But A Fun Adventure

So, I just got back to the apartment with my host sister, Aïda, who has been incredible at shepherding me to and from wherever we need to go and whatever we need to do. I woke up at 7am this morning, and after a quick breakfast, I asked Aïda if we could take a walk....

Good Morning Morocco

I’m up at 7am, but after all the traveling, sleeping horizontally feels like a dream. So, here’s what I was too tired to catch you up on last night. The Lankey program had someone come meet me at the airport, and he helped me get my bags into the car, talk...