by urg_admin | Dec 16, 2021 | Student Feature
Daniel Ozernyi Please provide the tile and a brief summary of your research/conference presentation. (1) L1 vs. L2 vs. L3 transfer: grammatical gender and determiner acquisition in sequential quadrilinguals (January 2021, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of...
by urg_admin | Dec 9, 2021 | Student Feature
Anna Please provide the tile and a brief summary of your research/conference presentation. I presented the work that I have done in Dr. Neha Kamat’s lab in an oral presentation entitled “Designing Vesicles for Extracellular Potassium Detection”....
by urg_admin | Dec 9, 2021 | Student Feature
Karina Brief summary of research: Why is Blackness placed next to whiteness in film always a negative thing? Over the history of the United States, Black people have been racialized as white people’s opposite and this has made all racial admixture forbidden including...
by urg_admin | Dec 2, 2021 | Student Feature
Ravi Please provide a brief summary of your research. My research is about quantum networks that could one day be used to create a worldwide quantum internet. More specifically, I do theoretical and computational physics research to understand how theoretical models...
by urg_admin | Nov 18, 2021 | Student Feature
Isabel Podolsky (she/her) Please provide a brief summary of your research. What’s so special about New York City’s Riverside Park? Is it its location? It’s one of many waterfront parks within New York City. In fact, the entire west side of Manhattan, NYC’s central...