Harris Sockel’s Circumnavigator’s Blog 2008

Week 1 June 16-18, 2008 Chicago à Philadelphia à London à Paris In This Week: US Airways Madness and Serendipity Un congrès de poètes Mary Kinzie’s International Renown “If The Universe Is Shaped Like a Fractal…tal…tal…” and much much more… Paris 11:00PM June 18th...

Super hero help getting started in research!

A few years ago, I created a series of workshops designed to help students unfamiliar with the research process to learn how to get started.  The workshops were a “big” success – we had a couple dozen students.  However, it made me aware of how many...

Where It All Began

Our last full day in Italy was a really unique one.  On the last trip to see my dad before he died, he told me of the tiny town in Italy where the Civetta’s had immigrated from in the late 1880s.  We immediately pulled it up on my phone (complete with 360 degree...

All About That Vespa!

So, ever since the kids got scooter rides in Florence, they have been looking for more.  Eli even got on my computer to look up places to rent them in Puglia, so today that was our adventure.  We swung by the house and got Wayne, Tom, and Wendy to join us, and we...