Dubai – A City (and Experience) of Extremes

  Oh, how I’ve missed the hustle and bustle of moving crowds, the never-ending spectrum of lights, and the warm glow of life that bursts from the hearts of big cities! After the longest duration of time that I’ve ever spent away from the States...

[That Awkward Heath Condition I Have] – PART II

Yes, I am back at King Faisal Hospital, and I am sitting in a waiting room. It is 11:40 AM and my appointment with the specialist is at 12:15 PM. I’ve already watched the receptionist hand the nurse my file, and seen him place it in the doctor’s office. So...

Mama ZuZu, Isabelle Kamariza, X, & Me

PART I It all started with Mama ZuZu. Here is a woman whose smile never stops. Mama ZuZu is thirty-eight years old, unemployed, and a mother of eight. She handles the affairs of her household, regularly attends church, and prepares meals for her children. However,...