Hello everyone! My name is Lucia Barnum and I am ecstatic to be a Circumnavigator scholar this summer. In June, I will start my journey across the world, which will take me to Australia, Greece, Portugal, Ghana, Argentina, and Brazil.

As my departure creeps closer and closer, it’s hard to believe that the trip I’ve been dreaming about since September will soon be my reality. None of the trip planning I have poured over for months has helped me realize that I will be traveling around PLANET EARTH in a few short weeks. It’s a goal I once set for myself to accomplish before I die — I never would have believed it could be something I could do before graduating college. 

I hope this blog will help me document my travels and reflect on my experiences. Although 12 weeks may seem like a long time, it will fly by in no time. But for now, see you in June!