It has now been a few months since I received that life-changing phone call. I remember the moment vividly: walking out of Tech on a rainy day, clutching my phone against my ear. The words that I heard made me let out an involuntary yell of joy — I had won the Circumnavigator Grant!
Since then, I have been immersed in research preparation and planning. But as the departure date approaches, I find myself questioning if I have fully processed the trip that awaits me this summer. For as long as I can recall, I’ve yearned to explore the world. I used to imagine myself wandering through scenic streets, tasting local cuisine, and traveling as if I were a character in a movie. And now, that dream is becoming a reality! It’s surreal and so exciting and just a little bit nerve-racking.
But above all, I am really grateful for this opportunity. I hope that my travels are full of deep learning, reflection, and restoration. I can’t wait to embark on this solo-adventure abroad!