Another wonderful day in paradise, although it was shocking to start my day staring at a bottom!
Still, we shopped till we dropped, and by the time we got to lunch I was starving. I may have gotten a little aggressive with my food.
I calmed down later as we sat by the canal.
While Eli may be scared of the dentist, I was thrilled to show him my spectacular white teeth!
The best part for me came when we took a ride on the gondola. Emiliano immediately noticed my snappy shirt and knew I was a gondolier at heart. He trained me in the art of gondola driving, and it is clear that I have a wonderful career ahead of me!
At dinner, I was feeling so randy and fell in love with a beautiful woman at another table. Alas, she was with another man (ugg), so I drowned my sorrows by eating Eli’s dessert. I’m sure that he didn’t mind.