This site was particularly weedy, and it started to rain in the latter part of sampling so not too many pictures, but here’s what I have! It’s in the same park as the previous site, and right by McCormick Place.

View of Lake Michigan from Burnham Bird Sanctuary

2015-06-26 09.20.44

Since I don’t have a lot of pictures from this site (and they all look about the same) I’ll throw some of the new leaf vocab I’ve learned at you!

DentateLeaf has triangular edges
SerrateLeaf has saw-like teeth (so pointed, but curved)
Auriculate: Leaf surrounds stem at base (an excellent example is the New England Aster)
Peltate: Leaf attaches to stem at its middle
Petiolate: Leaf attaches to stalk with a stem (petiole)
Sessile: Leaf attaches directly to stalk without a stem
Cordate: Leaf heart-shaped