Vivica Lewis

Photo of Vivica


Please provide a brief summary of what you plan to research over the summer, where you plan to go, and why you chose those locations.
My research project is focused on investigating cultural shifts and youth education and engagement programs surrounding birth control methods, specifically within countries that have/had restrictive policies on the sales and usage of contraceptives. I plan on going to Argentina, Ireland, Romania, Singapore, and Japan. I chose these countries because of their past or present policies around birth control, but it was also important to me to ensure each one told a unique story. For example, Ireland’s restrictions were due to the Roman Catholic Church debates, so it provides a different narrative as the only country in the itinerary with a religious aspect. Japan legalized most forms of birth control in 1999 which is almost 40 years after Western countries, so it provides the perspective of one of the latest legalizations.

Describe your experiences with research thus far in your career.
I worked as a research assistant through the Undergraduate Research Assistant Program (URAP) my first year at Northwestern. My experience was great, and I learned a lot, but I took a break from research after that because I felt I had a lot to figure out about myself and my professional goals before returning to it. Now, as a third-year, I have a greater idea of my career goals and the research process, so I felt ready to apply for this grant.

What made you initially interested in researching your topic in particular?
I have been interested in reproductive health since my own high school health class experience. Coming from an urban community, sexual health was thought of and taught differently, and I saw so many areas for improvement at 17 years old. Once I came to Northwestern, I started taking classes related to reproductive and maternal health, and I really found my passion. I also started working with outside organizations, like Illinois Contraceptive Access Now (ICAN!) and Peer Health Exchange (PHE), which developed my technical skills and helped me start to think about what kind of career I could build in this field. Once I considered what to research, it felt natural to choose a project that allowed me to study sexual health education programs on a global scale considering my classes, work experience, and just passion!

Any tips or advice you have for students interested in pursuing undergraduate research?
My biggest piece of advice is GO FOR IT! It sounds simple, but I felt very hesitant early on to apply for such a large grant. I am extremely grateful to my family and friends that supported me from day one when I mentioned this is what I wanted to do. The field of research has been and continues to be exclusive in many ways, but I would encourage students from various backgrounds with unique perspectives to start getting into it. The Office of Undergraduate Research and faculty are here to support you every step of the way. I recall many late-night re-writes of portions of my proposal, texting friends that I was not sure I could do this, and even doubting myself, but I can say I am so glad I did not give up. So, if you are even thinking about getting into research, I hope you know that you are not alone, and you are beyond capable to do this, so start writing.

Do you collect anything?
I have always loved reading, so I keep my top almost 50 books in my room now, but I have way more back home. I read almost exclusively young adult fiction when it comes to reading for fun. I also have met many authors through book conventions around the country, so I have some signed copies that are precious to me!

What is your favorite dessert?
I love chocolate! Chocolate ice cream has been my favorite since I was a kid, and I will always choose a slice of chocolate cake!

What is your most unusual talent?
I am not sure if I would call it a talent yet, but my roommate and I recently purchased an air hockey table for our place. We play quite often, and I am not sure what I am preparing for, but I realized I am pretty good at air hockey!