This school is an interesting mix of people from all over the continent and that is probably what I love most about this school. The number of perspectives represented and presented here is really wonderful. I was looking back at some of the interviews in the past and Sister Teresa Walsh said to me, “Education is not imparting knowledge, it’s leading someone to enlightenment and letting them discover the joy of learning for themselves.”
As I’m in Ghana now and am starting to reflect on this entire trip, I can’t help but think about what this, at the end of the day, is all about. Education, I was reminded a few times today-is about the people. It’s about a passion for people, done with people. And the people in Ghana are inspiring. From the girl on the beach who gave me a pink ring, or doing cartwheels as the sun set with a bunch of kids, or our wonderful friend, Kuehkuu (not sure how to spell it) who had a heart of gold and wanted you to have the absolute best time in his country and would drive miles to make sure that was achieved, to Richard, the boy who shared that he loved Ghana and when I asked why, he replied, “Don’t you feel it? You should feel Ghana. I have food, a house and shoes- I have everything.” Countless stories like this have taught me about life here, the people here and what education is. Education is perhaps at the end of the day, story-telling and as we listen and share those stories, a little bit of heaven is planted in us. And that transforms. Today, the joy of learning was real for me, and they have led me to enlightenment.