Señora Daila has wonderful hands and made this HAT!

There’s something special about a community that gives. Many have asked, why do you love it here? And here’s my reply.

I love it because of the people and their spirit of love and generosity. When we talk about communities and their strength, I see it here. I see in in the life and the both informal and formal institutions, in the way everyone knows everyone, in the way they fight against this new supermarket that might be taking over their football field, in the way so many have invited me into their humble homes and been so so proud of being a part of this community.. in the way each neighbor brings something if they know the other is sick. Many don’t have enough to make a full meal for the other but one would bring the rice, the other the beans so together they would make a meal and visit those who were sick. It’s the youth that would give up a sunday to protest against drug use.

Anti-drug campaign

Mimes at the Cruz no Matarás festival

I have been honored this week, even in my short time here to be invited to lunches at Carlos’ house, at Señora Dalia’s house and each time I have been blown away at the immense willingness to give without expecting anything in return. See the white hat- that was handmade my DALIA 🙂 so warm and beautiful.

Also, one thing every peruvian has asked me is “Have you had cerviche or lomolsaltado” or any kind of peruvian dish so I thought I would also add the photos of delicious meals so far and of course, eating in the road. Yum.

Lunch with Carlos and Family!

Lunch at Señora Daila's


Las hermanas at the Cruz no matarás