My fav photo of the Festidanza

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Festidanza, this annual even that brought together all the schools in the region to celebrate the Peruvian culture! 🙂
The Festidanza was amazing. The culture here is Peru is wonderfully rich and it might be because it was close to the Peruvian national day but there seems to be so much pride in being Peruvian. From the kids who say “¡Soy Peruano!” to the Principal of Fe y Alegría, there is a deep sense of love and belonging for their country and people. 🙂

Photos below!

Dance from the Sierra

Dance de Música Festeja!

Dance from the mountains

The Fe y Alegria 37 team!

Beautiful colors and costumes

Three parts of peru- Costa (Coast), Sierra (Mountains), y Selva (Forest)

Fe y Alegría No. 37 (US!) teachers and supporters!